Dienstag, 10. Juli 2012

Last post, new blog - again


I know this is crazy, but this blog is already out of space..... so i created another one.... the final one for all the pictures of the last travel and the last and final week in busan......


Check it out!!!!!

Montag, 9. Juli 2012

New Moon for Michael


tonight I started the second part of my asia travel. This time I teamed up with Marlena to discover foreign countries and to expirience completely (for us) strange cultures.
By thinking about everything I have learned and experienced  during my year in Korea I have to admit, that it doesn’t matter where you are in this world. Of course I thought before going to Korea, that it will be a very hard year. To live over here and to adopt the culture. But in the end I learned, that you can do so much better than you think.

Right now I am on the airplaine to Cebu (Philippines). It is close to midnight in the korean time zone and the moon is shining through the window. I never saw the moon so clear and close. The frosty temperatures in the plaine fit to the view outside. Now sometwhere between dark space and the deep ocean I feel more comfortable than ever. I don’t know why, maybe because you can think about so many things during a flight, maybe because it is the first time for a long time I don’t have to do some important or some fun stuff. I am just thinking about the last year and about all my friends.

Of course I feel a little bit sad by thinking of all the stuff I miss in Berlin, Zürich and my hometown. Everything what changes for  my friends and for my family. I think sometimes I just see their lives as a TV show. In the end I just see everything on skype and on facebook. But I can’t be with them during that time. It is like watching my favourite drama on TV, but actually they laugh, cry and grow up more and more without me.

On the other hand I met such amazing people here in Busan. And I know, that I will see their lives in about 4 weeks like another new show on „Real-TV“. It is kind of confusing to me, because I would really love to see all my friends at the same time, but I can’t.

If somebody would ask me where I wanna spent my life I could not answer the question. Seriously I had to think about this for infinity! But the question with whom I wanna spent my life  would be very very easy. It would be a long list, but I could answer in the end.

Furthermore I am really curious about all the people I don’t know in the world. I never pictured me finding so good friends in Korea. But that makes me ask myself if there are people maybe in Australia, Norway or maybe Transilvania conquering my heart as fast as they did.

I know, that every goodbye is hard and with every goodbye there is a new beginning and I am honestly thrilled while thinking about my life in Berlin again, even because John will join me in the big city, but I was a little bit afraid, that I can’t enjoy this.

In the end everything will be okay and I will be so happy to be with my friends and family! So I don’t have to be afraid or sad!

After writing this the moon disappeared behind a thick wall of clouds and so I hope that I will keep all the clearness I had while watching him. It is important to know, that people will stay in your life as long as you keep them in your heart. It doesn’t matter where you are, even if it is more comfortable to be with them.

Thank you moon!

Samstag, 7. Juli 2012

Korean Magic II - FIX!


last night I was out with lots of ICEA 8th members! It turned out, that there were just koreans and me.... In the beginning the meeting was very korean based, but after a while I got "included" in the conversations... and the night turned out to real korean magic! We rocked the whole night! 

Freitag, 6. Juli 2012

Big O!


now my last post for Yeosu Expo! Every evening they have a big water show. It is called the "Big O"! Big O stands for big ocean. So they tell a story by shooting some laser into a giant O which is watered all the time!

At some parts it really looked like the Stargate opens its way to a different galaxy!

So just check out the pictures!

Expo 2012 Yeosu - Day 2


today was the second day of my adventure with Dawoon t the Expo 2012. We saw a lot of more pavilions! We checked almost every country, but in the end we were too exhausted from the day and o course the night before....

Donnerstag, 5. Juli 2012

Expo 2012 in Yeosu


yesterday I went with Dawoon to the Expo 2012 in Yeosu! His dad gave us his car and we drove the approximately 200km westwards.... The 3 hour ride was better than expected! So convenient.... more than KTX kkkkk

The Expo in 2012 is all about water, the sea and the coasts of the countries who join the exhibition...

Dienstag, 3. Juli 2012

Start to say goodbye...first....James!


tonight I met James again... It has been a very long I think about 2 month since I saw him last time.... But it was like I saw him yesterday... slid immediately into chatting and making fun kkkk

So we had dinner and coffee.... nothing special, but the place we had our dongasse (Schnitzel) was so good!

Montag, 2. Juli 2012

Clara - Back from Abu Dhabi!


last night I met with Youjung and Clara! 

I know you had not heard from her since last year.... thats because she left Korea for the last 6 month.... She worked in the "Holiday Inn" Hotel in Abu Dhabi!

And last week she came back! I am so happy to see her again! And of course to see Youjung again... I was away for 12 days, so long time no see :-)

Sonntag, 1. Juli 2012

ICEA 9th - Goodbye!


last night I came back from Thailand and I transferred immediately from the airport to the last ICEA 9th meeting. I missed the waterpark they went to, but the last party, I didn't wanted to miss it!

I wanted to play one last time with all the guys and so I did! We started with regular BBQ and lots of talking, because we hadn't seen for such a long time... I was so into talking to the people, that I barely talked to Dawoon...kkkkk

After 36h journey with Robert we rocked the whole night! I didn't expect to stay awake again for so long, but I didn't wanted to miss the last few hours with ICEA!
It was a really great night, so I just enjoyed.... I had lots of fun with the guys as you can see in the next pictures....