Mittwoch, 30. Mai 2012

Visual Design, by Haritz Achmad Noer!


like every student in Dongseo university (it feels like) Haritz has to do a final project! Haritz is like me an exchange student at Dongseo university. He is from Jakarta, Indonesia and pretty creative....kkk

He is majoring in "Visual Design" (third year) and all the design students had the assignment to recreate Jurye's streets! (Jurye is the area our university and my "home" are located).

So I went to the exhibition of Haritz (and all the other design students) ideas. I met him in front of the building to get a private guided tour... kkkk 

Montag, 28. Mai 2012

ROBI HOLIDAY - Hangover holiday!


after finishing our bachelor thesis and the semester and getting the bachelor degree Robert and me will go to travel the world!

We will visit three crazy places... and one out of the three places is maybe the craziest I will be in my life....

Summer holiday feeling!


this weekend was such a nice one... not only because it was a long weekend, no, because I was very productive! And in between I had real summer feelings... 30°C the whole time!

Most of the time I studied for the "Technical industrial microbiology" exam or wrote the thesis (6 pages today, kkkkk) but like I mentioned before sometimes in between there was the summer feeling....

Like last night... Robert came back from the laboratory and just grabbed me to get dinner.... (after I had a run in the sunshine and spartacus workout on the sports field) so we tried some new streets around our university... and there it was.... a new kind of "dirty chicken place" half of the restaurant was located on the street, so the 28°C warm air  (10pm) danced around Robert and me, I felt like being in Spain during a warm summer night...with chopsticks and Soju...

Samstag, 26. Mai 2012

Embarrassed by foreigners!


tonight I met with Youjung, Dawoon and Robert. After a long day preparing resume stuff for Dawoon and laboratory and ICEA meeting and rechecking my thesis we met for fun....

But in the end everybody was too tired.... so we had just dinner, complained about the makkoli and went home... kkkkk

Anyway.... since a few month I recognize, that most of the foreigners in korea are not so pretty.... honestly they are ugly.... most of them are freaks.... and by talking about foreigners I mean western people....

Even most of the english teacher are stupid ( and I don't mean Leisha, Natasha, James or Luke)! Sometimes I really think, that they are not suitable as a teacher... One day I went for lunch with the germans and there was a table full of english teacher... looking like Monty Python cartoons.....

Another time I met one in a cafe at my university... at first I thought that he is disabled, the way he talked to the pupils and the stuff he said were very spooky... but he was the end heard, that he  he had a very strong lisp.... Seriously who is allowed to teach a language with a speaking disorder.... It is like being a fire fighter without water....

Tonight was the worst night... I really felt ashamed.... to be a foreigner....

Peep for the really crazy story below....

Mittwoch, 23. Mai 2012

K-Pop till the world ends!


today I feel like I want to go to Seoul and just dance the night away in a K-Pop club. Even if there is K-Pop all over korea, like in the shops, in the bars, cafes, cinemas, baseball games, yeah even in the streets.... You can't find a club playing K-Pop!

And as you can imagine, I am starving for a K-Pop club! It would be like going to a Britney-Club.... So that is why I wanna go to Seoul.... And dance till the K-Pop world ends!!!

Last week I found a Mashup which presents 40 K-Pop songs from the last year in one song... I was a little bit confused the moment I saw the length of the song... about 3:27 min.... It is like a normal song size.... But after getting more information about it.... the DJ (DJ Masa) mixed 40 songs to a complete new song.... with a new song story....

Pretty clever this guy... and even his instrumental background music.... It's britney bitch!!!!

You can imagine how much I like this song! And even part two is a masterpiece!

Peep in for the sound of 2011!!!!!!

Dienstag, 22. Mai 2012

Another Michael needed!


in these days I feel very tired of working!

Even if I ask other people in the dormitory, everybody is stressed out!

In these days the Biotechnology bachelor students are supposed to write their bachelor thesis.... But actually we don't have time to write... maybe during the night... but honestly I wanna sleep some time....

We have exams, presentations and finals every week... so we have to prepare control engineering, medical biotechnology, technical microbiology, bioreactor technic, bioprocess technic, genetics practical course exam and of course other stuff.....

So there is no time to write my beloved thesis....

I feel like I am supposed to do something in every second of the day... Even going to the gym is not as much fun as it is in general.... I wanna go and I wanna work out, but if I am there I think about the stuff I have to do afterwards.... or I have to do instead of working out....

I really look forward the 20.06.12 because then everything is over.... I have no exams, no practical courses, no thesis and nothing... I just can relax and travel and at some point going home.....

But till that date there are lots of days to fight....So every student..... keep on fighting!!!

And maybe in some years everybody has a clone to do the nasty university stuff...

By the way... I just completed my application for the master program at the TU Berlin!

Of course my address is a big secret! Dear stalker, today I have no picture for you!

Montag, 21. Mai 2012

Lantern Parade!


we did it! We joined the big busan lantern parade! And we did it with pride....

You saw the pictures of the happy tinkle fun at the gaonnuri office.... and I guess you saw, that most of the lanterns were pretty not so perfect... like my little butterfly or Robert's puke chamber....

At first we went to the stadion to watch the start ceremony.... there was a big picture of Buddha and all the people in the arena prayed while singing a religious song. Even korean pupils have to go learn about Buddha and the religion, if they were in a buddhist middle school. It is interesting, that there are buddhist schools.... like in my home town there is a catholic kindergarten.... Kids go here in a buddhist school.... 

Sonntag, 20. Mai 2012

Lantern Kindergarten - ICEA


today was ICEA again.... and what can I say... I felt like on a journey in time and space.... In a week there it is Buddhas Birthday! And as you know... in Korea they are not so familiar with celebrating birthdays on the date of birth we celebrated today....kkkk There was a very big lantern parade to honor the big bellied guy....

Anyway... I felt like 4 or 5 preparing lanterns with my mom in the kindergarten.... Even if there were more kids in the kindergarten group... and I was kind of the Kindergarten-Onkel.... I felt sooo young again.... 

Samstag, 19. Mai 2012

Horror day!


today was a really horrible day! We had the last three control engineering classes packed in one long lecture.... My head started to explode after about 30 min...

The project we had to work on was pretty cool, but in the end I had no idea how to write the program we needed... that was Roberts / Jonnys / Davids duty.

Freitag, 18. Mai 2012

Gym philosophies!


tonight Robert and me went to the gym... finally....

During workout I realized, that it is pretty cool, that Robert is with me in Korea. He is such a funny guy to hang out with, and he became a pretty good friend!

And of course a great fitness partner! We always hit the gym together to have fun and honestly, I work out much more when Robert is around..... a big plus!

Mittwoch, 16. Mai 2012

Chicken haircut!


last night Robert and I went to Seomyeon to go to our hairdresser "TheMin" ..... pretty expensive shop for Korea.... but Just the best is good enough for our hair...kkkk

We payed 22.000Won (15€)!

In between we tried to repair Roberts backpack and my jeans.... but every tailor just laughed at us.... so we just took the damaged stuff with us....

Anyway... we met afterwards with Dawoon and Youjung to show them the new hair....

 Dawoon the poser!!!

Satang Satan - Sugar is the new devil!


after the free meat week I have a new challenge.... Candy free week!

During the meat free week I didn't feel any change in my life.... Like my body feeling.... There was just a bad mood.... Marlena and Robert told me, that I was really upset during lunch.... What I didn't recognize during the time.....

Anyway, so I told Robert, that I could analyze something different and so there it is.... No candy for one week.... today is day two.... and I feel like I would die for some chocolate....

So we will see what will happen during the week.....

Maybe 50 Cent can take me to the candy shop next week... but this week I have to cancel all 50 Cent dates....

I don't know why I try so many different styles of abstinence in these days.... but Lets see what happens!

Montag, 14. Mai 2012



a very sad thing about Korea is the fact, that there are no postcards. Of course you will find tons of cute cards and letters over here with cute animals and really cute slogans on the cover, but if you want to sent just the card like we know.... you have to search for it!

I think my german brain tells me every time "No" you have to send this card in an envelope. Because it is not the standard size to send via post..... I think every Korean would say.... "Of course, it is no problem... it is a piece of paper with a stamp on it" but I am too afraid of loosing the card.... so I have to buy cute envelopes....
You just find postcards in the very big tourist areas! And even there very rare....

Anyway today I went to the international office to check my mail.... and what can I tell you... I found two envelopes ..... hahaha with postcards in it!

I think my german friends are afraid too! I found a letter from Saskia and a very big one from Sandra in the postoffice corner...

I felt so happy.... I think because I haven't heard from them for weeks...:-)

So thank you girls! And Thank you Sandy for about 5 postcards in one envelope! KKKKKK

Sonntag, 13. Mai 2012

Berlin Party! I miss you!


the night before last night I had a little chat with my friend Elisa from Berlin, actually she is from Lauchammer.... kkkkk

Her last words were:

sooo micha: 1.) dreh dein laptop von der lautstärke her voll auf..bis anschlag, 2.) dann klick das video in der dropbox an^^ und 3.) auf vollbild stellen  ..und viel spaß

(in English:) Okay, michael:1.) turn on the speaker on maximum volume, 2.) afterwards doubleclick the clip in your dropbox^^and 3.) switch to fullscreen :-) .. and have fun

But I fell asleep before I could read the message... In the morning I read it half sleeping with one eye still in the land of never-ending dreams.... So I just forgot..... Before I met Dawoon I was sitting in the subway  I just thought about my time in berlin.... and suddenly I remembered her message.... 

Luckily I had to take my MacBook with me, because it had to serve as a big battery for my cellphone.... anyway I did what she told me and now you can check out what I saw.....

I was so happy to see all my friends having fun... I am really happy, that you don't forgot me during the first 9 months!


00:00 - Meat time!

after a very relaxing weekend for me I had finally meat again... and what could I choose at 00:15 am..... right... dirty chicken with Robert.... 

We started our meat mission after a run at the sports area.... so we went to Seomyeon at 10:30 pm.... we arrived 10:43 pm by taxi and went to thursday party.... to have one round of beer pong... and of course Robert won... after 2 Long  Island and the beer pong we went to the dirty chicken place... I was so exited, because I really missed meat during the week...

Samstag, 12. Mai 2012

77 DAY's!


today I realized, that I start to clear my stuff out... I feel like I am in back in Berlin and I have to decide what to keep, what to give away and what is trash....

And after clearing I thought about how many days I have left in korea...and the really sad result are 77 days.... And during that time I will travel around 25 days....

That makes approximately 50 days left in lovely Busan!

Thinking of leaving makes me suddenly really sad, like everytime I think about leaving Korea.... but in today I have the number.... 50 days left to take another 4 examinations, write the bachelor thesis, finish the big experiment and of course try to say goodbye to all my friends...



finally I can tell you more about the "german" cafe KeffeeKlatsch. I took a picture of the sign in my first week in Busan. And two weeks ago I had the chance to go there. 
I had a little time before I met with Y&D for dinner.... so I thought... just check it out... so I went to the first floor and I was greeted.... not in german, not in english... no in hangul... But the more irritating thing was not the language... (I am used to it) no it was the fact, that it was a couple cafe. Like the pink cafe I went with Julia in during winter.... So there were separated rooms again....

So I told them, that I am not sure if the cafe is okay for a single person.
And they told me that I can go upstairs... I asked them if there is one big room.... and they said yes....

In the end I was in a seperated room for 6 people.... alone :-)

Anyway the cafe is a very nice place, the waiter are very friendly but you have to pay for one cafe latte 5.000Won. Anyway, if you are in a big group you can go there they have even TV's in the separated rooms... so you can go and watch soccer...

Check out the pictures below....

What do you wanna drink tonight?


last night was a veeery good friday night!

After a long laboratory day (with a short gym break) I met with Dawoon at PNU. At first we visited G-1´s mom at her restaurant...And because it is "Anti-Meat-Week" we had Spaghetti Carbonara without bacon... Yummy :-(

But as service we got french fries, they were soo good!

Donnerstag, 10. Mai 2012

Weekday - Veggieday


besides working and writing I have lots of other stuff to talk about!
Maybe my vegetarian week with Youjung and Dawoon.... I can eat so many nice things.... without meet... actually it is so boring.... seriously! There is a vegetarian sandwich or tuna sandwich every morning.... there is rice with kimchi and tuna in the evening and in the meantime there are cereal bars and protein shakes.... it is kind of boring.... except the protein part of course!

Genetics - so confusing


for the first time I write on my new blog.... and what can I tell you.... I feel like working all around the clock.... In these days the germans have genetics practical course.... sooo fun!

Thats why I have a very tight schedule.....I have to do the normal laboratory stuff, for the bachelor thesis.... so I have one big experiment to repeat.... and I have to write the thesis and of course the genetics practical course.....

Most of the time it is more confusing than instructive.... we have to do lots experiments we already did in the past of our academic carrier.... kkkk

Like DNA isolation, quantification of DNA, electrophoresis, PCR, Transformation, Plasmid isolation and so on..... but we have lots of fun during "class" kkkkk

Most of the time we have fun with dangerous stuff.... like Chloroform....or today with ethydium bromide .... but most of the time it is not pretty dangerous... I hope!