Donnerstag, 10. Mai 2012

Weekday - Veggieday


besides working and writing I have lots of other stuff to talk about!
Maybe my vegetarian week with Youjung and Dawoon.... I can eat so many nice things.... without meet... actually it is so boring.... seriously! There is a vegetarian sandwich or tuna sandwich every morning.... there is rice with kimchi and tuna in the evening and in the meantime there are cereal bars and protein shakes.... it is kind of boring.... except the protein part of course!

 The anti meat week got harder during the ICEA 9th leader me(a)ting.... we met at Burger king.... and yes.... they had burger..... but we stayed strong! I think Britney would be proud!
 One of the two things I could enjoy this week was the cake at Tokyoloose.... I have no idea why (Dawoon says: Because you are so handsome!) but I just ordered one cappuccino.... and I got the ordered cappuccino,  a chocolate cake, a pumpkin cake and a cup of tea... the last three things were service.... I was kind of happy to enjoy the stuff.... even if I was a little bit sad about the calories...
 Anyway.... there has been the first goodbye this week.... Yongsu has to go to australia like my friend Janina did in the past for work and travel.... I asked him: What will you do there.... answer.... mhm maybe I'll be a farmer..... I thought that is so cute... seriously... I wanna be a farmer someday too...
 Last night I met with Youjung and we had... wait.... wait...... Veggie Pizza! At Mr. Pizza... we were even not allowed to eat the new "K-POP-2PM-Pizza" because there is meat on top....
 Anyway.... all the stuff you can see on the plates.... I know most of it is no pizza.... it is stuff from the saladbar... and yes, there is chocolate at the saladbar!

That was the week so far.... nothing new but everything special.... at least for me....

5 Kommentare:

  1. Tuna is not veggie:)

  2. das ganz unten sieht aus wie hundetrockenfutter XD

  3. sagt wer?! aber du isst doch auch fischis.....

  4. Nicht mehr:) Deshalb kann ich ja jetzt klugscheißen!

  5. wirklich, oh man, dann geht die überfischung ja endlich zurück...
