Sonntag, 20. Mai 2012

Lantern Kindergarten - ICEA


today was ICEA again.... and what can I say... I felt like on a journey in time and space.... In a week there it is Buddhas Birthday! And as you know... in Korea they are not so familiar with celebrating birthdays on the date of birth we celebrated today....kkkk There was a very big lantern parade to honor the big bellied guy....

Anyway... I felt like 4 or 5 preparing lanterns with my mom in the kindergarten.... Even if there were more kids in the kindergarten group... and I was kind of the Kindergarten-Onkel.... I felt sooo young again.... 

Dawoon, me and the other leader met pretty early to get all the stuff for preparing the lanterns... like sticks, paper, glue and so on.... After finishing all the shopping we had lunch and then we went to the Kindergarten (Gaonnuri office) to prepare some stuff....

2pm the members came to join us.... Of course at the beginning people were like... seriously we are going to tinker.... but after a while everybody was like in a rush to finish their lantern.... and everybody had lots of fun... I think.... 
 Here you see the view out of the office.... I was a little bit surprised, that there was a garden on a rooftop.... and a pretty green one.... by the way...
 Here Dawoon and me are getting coffee for the leader and a cake for Jack, because his Birthday was yesterday....
 And of course cute Kelly cut her finger .... I think she was the only one...
 Here all the members are tinkling and preparing... kkkk

 I think Peters lantern was one of the best....
 That was my face when I saw Roberts...kkkkk

 It is the answer.... seriously...

 Michael brings the girls out...
 My butterfly lantern.... haha so cute!

 There the lanterns took a ride to the festival....kkkk

 And of course all the members.... 

And what the festival was all about .... and if we had the coolest lanterns on earth.... you will see in the next post...

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