Samstag, 9. Juni 2012



last night all the germans gathered in my room to digitalize all the certificates we got during our year in Korea. We have to send them to Berlin, because they have to complete our grades before we apply for the master studies. Anyway, David (the one you all googled yesterday! kkkk) had the perfect idea that everybody had to take a Soju-shot for every A+ we got... and there were a lot of....

After this funny action the germans wanted to party, but pretty far away.... My friend Marcius form Singapore asked me earlier the day where the beer can chicken was... and so I decided to join him and his friends with Marlena.

So I said goodbye to Robert and then the night started...
 The funny thing about the group was, that they went to the dirty chicken, after beer can chicken kkkkk so Marlena and me went there....
After a while I checked Kevins phone (the red guy) and he was checking European cup stuff.... and then I detected, that Germany is written Jerman in Indonesia.... Whats quiet funny.... for me 
 Anyway the next station after chicken was the Thursday party... Krystian was pretty exited about Beer Pong, because he is canadian national champion or something.... kkkk no just kidding, but he was pretty passionate about the game...

 There we are having fun kkkk
And again Krystian... and by the way he is very good in table soccer (Kicker). Maybe he should play with Robert some time...

 After beer pong we went to play some other drinking games, not including beer kkkk so Soju games.... And what can I say...Gemma is really bad in a lots of games... I am really sorry Gemma, but u had to drink soooo much.... even the higher lower game.... people are supposed to say a number and she always said higher or lower...kkkk

 Here the last few cards for higher and lower....kkk
Capri sun action with watermelon ....

And the last final game for Gemma and Marcius.... It was sooo funny.... but in the end....Gemma won!

Was an unexpected great night!!!!

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