Donnerstag, 21. Juni 2012

Cat street - Kitschsquare!

Ni hao,

after visiting the spiritual temple we went to the "famous" tourist shopping market. Actually it was pretty hard to find, but we did it! They had lots of different trash! While visiting the first sales stall we found so much stuff we thought it is like "Flohmarkt" flea market stuff.... But at the next stall they had the same stuff.... kkkk so they produce old wracked clocks and play cards and very old poster!

Actually there was a lot of stuff I really wanted to buy, but after a short discussion with Robert I realized, that I don't need any of this stuff.... But I still want to show some of the master pieces to you so enjoy the pictures...

The owl looks from the left to the right .....left right left right left right....

Next to these card decks there were David Beckham card decks and Sex-Card games, so very traditional...

I liked this watch, every second he has to wave kkkk


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