Mittwoch, 20. Juni 2012

Nature - Humaneness - Symbiosis

Ni hao,

so, after the Victoria peak we wanted to explore more of the fascinating district....

And what we found just by walking around was very cool.... The city mixed up with the rain forest and with a zoo?!

 Of course, they have bamboo over here.... not just for facilities.... nope even as real "plants"!
 And they had really cute benches! One with Pandas, one with Mickey mouse!
 And they had birds, and apes and frogs and and and... everything just between the gigantic skyscrapers!

 Haha, after taking this picture Robert got a lot of trouble from a security woman! Because touching the water is not allowed! She even wanted him or us to pay a penalty! But stupid germans can't speak english and just moved on... Sorry police lady!

 Here an ape is eating a little bug.... poor bug!

 And then out of nowhere again the sky-streets... They have everywhere streets, "sidewalks" and stuff maybe like three floors.... it is very confusing.... even they have the biggest outdoor escalator system in the world! In the middle of tropical plants.... or are the plants around the city.... I have no idea... you get the feeling that nature and humaneness are living in symbiosis.... 
So sometimes you don't know where you are over, under, in between or maybe in China?!kkkkk

I really start to love this city!

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