Dienstag, 12. Juni 2012

Fernfieber or just homesick!?


today a lot of stuff happened! I got the final date for my return to germany, Alex and Sophie started to travel and I prepared myself for the last final test tomorrow here in Korea.
That's why I realized... tempus fugit!

After all these weeks of laboratory, studying, writing my bachelor thesis, ICEA 9th and of course meeting Youjung and Dawoon, I suppressed, that my time is really running away.... I have just about three weeks left in Korea!!
The rest I will spent with traveling... James even asked me today for one last meeting... that's so sad...

Actually I am a little bit afraid of going back to germany.... I adapted korean lifestyle so much into my daily routine, that I just can't imagine being back in germany.

In germany there is everything a contest, or maybe I just see it as a contest. Of course in korea university is contest and getting a job is contest, but in private or social life..... It is so different.... strangers just cheer you up and people take care of each other!
Once I visited my favorite Cafe and they served me three (no joke) three cakes and a tea as service, because I looked to sad....

Today I talked to my dad via skype and I realized, that I will be in my home town for 4 years without any duties. I will just be there. I don't know if I am happy about the fact coming home doing nothing. I think I will regret from time to time, that I left korea three weeks too early.... but who knows if it has a good reason....

Anyway I am not sure if I just have "Fernfieber" because I want to stay in korea, or if I am homesick in advance, because Korea became a part of my home and my heart!

I think the only one who can answer this question is mother "time".

Examples why I wanna stay.....

Going to the gym in germany everybody compares their bodies and try to be better then all the others.... and even I did (what is very exhausting if you go to university besides going to the gym and be jobless/fitness coach). But here in korea the guys from the gym just give each other compliments for the progress they have during workout.... Even if they can change the weights from 5 to 7 kg.... Or if someone lost a little bit of weight....

I will miss going to the gym... With Robert and the trainers and some other guys, I even meet them there to workout or to do the Spartacus.... Maybe I just got older and I see things different and I will recognize once I am back in germany, that it is the same there, or I will be very sad being back in germany....

Another thing what represents the social competence of koreans is their peace... if you go to the club everybody is relaxed, peaceful and happy.... I could never imagine a fight in a club.... actually I saw 3 times in one year a cute fight.... one between old guys, one between very young girls and one in a traffic jam..... that's all....

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