Dienstag, 19. Juni 2012

Busan - Beijing - Hongkong

Ni hao,

today was the big day.... asia traveling season has begun!

Robet and me started at Busan's lovely airport Gimhae to Hongkong...

At Gimhae airport Youjung and Dawoon said goodbye and wished us all the best for our travel. I was very happy to see them one last time for 11 days kkkkk

 Here is Robert with our luggage kkk!
 We went for breakfast to Starbucks! The happy couple joined us! It was like a koreran family breakfast for me! Very relaxing before take off!

 After saying goodbye Robert and me went to the security check.... and there our first travel mate said hello to me.... with the words: "I like your hair" So we talked during the flight to Beijing a little.... This girl (computer engineer) travels really a lot and so she gave us a few tips...
 Here the view out of the Air China Boeing....
 And here the view in Beijing... the sky was gray and seriously the air was really bad.... I know that we have been at the airport, but still.... It was hard to breathe over there..... I thought just... oh it doesn't matter, we are very late (we had about 20min to transfer), so we won't stay in Beijing for so long...
 "Last" picture with out tickets.... And yes we had to check in in the international transfer....
 Anyway, after really running through the whole airport to get to the airplane in time we realized, that the second flight was delayed for about 30 min.... That was perfect, because like in a bad movie there was a very very very fat guy in the security check, who had to open all the suitcases and everything had to be checked again, so we lost about 10 min waiting for this guy.....
 After boarding the captain told us, that he is happy, because all the passengers are on board, his crew is ready and he is willing to start, but because we are in Beijing we have to wait for ..... actually he didn't know for how long.... but the excuse was just because we are in Beijing and it is always too crowded.... kkkk we waited in the airplane for 3 hours.... no joking..... so we had lot's of time for the duty free catalogue... and my favorite was the transformers USB stick....
 And of course the headphones...
 We ordered in the end 4 beer, because we wanted to sleep better, the "Wine-Woman" knows why...
 Yes and this rice cube was our dinner.... next to some chicken...
Later you will get to know what Hongkong is like... and yes it is really outstanding!

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