Samstag, 2. Juni 2012

Taejeongdae - ICEA goes nature again!


today was ICEA again.... we met at Seomyeon at 11am to give all the members their new mission... It was kind of Scavanger hunt... the members were separated in groups and got the mission.... I can't tell you about their journey from Seomyeon to Taejeongdae, because I had to go with Dawoon there in advance.....Taejeongdae is one of the characteristic hot spots of Busan, but I have never been there.... so lucky me!

But this activity rocked!

 Here you see Leisha holding the mission card...
 Last shot..... there they go! Good luck!

 In the meantime Dawoon and me got a Polappo and yes, it is like the german Calippo! Korean kids do the same as the german kids! Waiting for the melted sugar water at in bottom! Because it is just the best!
 After arriving at Taejeongdae we went to the beach where we found the first group....
 So we had fun at the stone beach for about an hour...
 Haritz, master of the flying stones!

 And then I found some stone stairs in the rocks.... I grabbed Dawoon and we started our journey..... but we couldn't reach..... too much water in between...

 But our journey was fun, as you can see above kkkkk

 After jumping around at the rocks we had to join the other guys to take the tourists train around the resort.... 

 And we waited for a looong time! With lovely Leisha!

 Eunhye and me kkkk
 But finally we got on the train and I felt like getting into the Vengabus!
 Sexy Kelly!
 On our way we stopped at the lighthouse... was pretty windy! But the view was amazing!

 Sad Kelly!
 I shot two or three fireballs with the Ion-cannon to destroy the star-destroyers waiting in the orbit....kkkkk

And after the lighthouse stop we went home... I am not sure why, but everybody was very tired...... but in the end everybody had fun and we were in nature.... was a good day!

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